About Kin Canada Bursaries
About Kin Canada Bursaries
Post-secondary education is expensive. Let us help!

Since its inception in 1994, $1,096,000 has been awarded to 1096 students across Canada. The amount disbursed in any one year depends on the balance of the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund and its governing laws.

Kin Canada Clubs play a vital role in the Kin Canada Bursaries program. They make donations to grow the fund, which affects how many bursaries are awarded each year.


Please click on the applicable icon to download a fillable PDF of the application for the 2020-2021 school year.

English application      French application


Completed application forms must be sent to the:

Kinette Club of Stampede City

Box 1434 Stn. M
Calgary AB T2P 2L6

Do I need to be a Kin member or  affiliated with a Kin Club to apply?

No you do not need to be a Kin Canada member or be affiliated with a club to apply.

Do I need to send anything else with my application (transcript, letter of reference etc.)?

No. All that is required during the application process is the completed application form. Only after recipients are selected and notified will they be asked for additional documentation (proof of citizenship, SIN and proof of enrollment).

Why is my family’s financial information needed?

A bursary is based largely on financial need. The financial information for you and your family, as well as your community involvement, knowledge/research about Kin Canada and any other additional information provided are taken into account during the scoring of applications. To find out more about the difference between bursaries and scholarships, as well as tips for a successful application check out our blog post: Scholarships and Bursaries

Is there a max word limit? Can I add extra pages? 

There is no maximum word limit. You may add extra pages as needed, but please make sure all pages and questions are clearly labeled.

How do I find out where my local club is? If there isn’t a Kin Canada club in my area, where can I find information and where should I send my application?

Visit our Find a Club page for locations of clubs across the country and for the contact information of your local club. If there are no clubs in your community, please send your application to a club in a nearby community.

Is there anywhere I can drop off my application?

No. Clubs are volunteer-based and meet only a few times per month. Most do not have permanent locations, so applications must be mailed or emailed to the local club. Please make sure to take this into account when preparing and sending your application.

Can I email my application to a club? 

Yes, however please give yourself enough time to mail it if necessary. Email addresses change frequently and although Kin Canada attempts to ensure they are accurate on the site, we cannot guarantee all email addresses are up-to-date. Mailing addresses are more consistent and reliable. 

Can I send my application directly to bursary@kincanada.ca?

No. The initial round of scoring is performed by your local club. All applications must come through a club or they will automatically be disqualified. 

Does the application have to be received by February 1 or can it be post-marked by then?

Applications should be received by February 1. To ensure your application is received by your local club by that date, we encourage you to mail your application by January 15. 

When will I find out if I have been selected to receive a bursary?

Recipients will receive a  formal notice in the mail by June 30th, but applicants may be notified on the status of their application prior to that date. 

I did not receive a Kin Canada Bursary this year. Can I reapply next year?

Yes we encourage you to reapply next year.


Do you have any additional questions that are not answered here? Contact us at: bursary@kincanada.ca 



  • Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Must be a full-time student in the process of graduating from high school or currently studying or registered at a post-secondary institution.
  • Must complete the current application form and submit it to the Kinsmen, Kinette or Kin Club closest to their permanent residence by February 1. Bursary winners are notified before June 30 by their sponsoring club.
  • Must not have previously been awarded a Kin Canada Bursary.
  • Will be evaluated on their community and school involvement, knowledge of Kin Canada and financial need.


Application Process

The bursary application deadline date is February 1 of each year. The selection process is as follows:

Each club reviews all submitted application forms and selects one to be endorsed and forwarded to the Board of Trustees for review on or before March 1.

The Board selects a number of applicants to receive a bursary of $1,000 each, based on that year's contributions to the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund. The successful recipients and their sponsoring clubs are notified by June 30.FAQs

Application Tips

  • Use this year’s revised application form
  • Read and follow all instructions carefully
  • Answer all questions
  • Remember, scoring is based on both effort and content
  • Ask for input from friends, parents, teachers, etc.
  • Learn about Kin Canada from our website
  • Research what the local or nearest Kinsmen, Kinette or Kin Club has done in your community
  • Submit your application form to your local club by February 1 and only submit to one club

For more tips on increasing your chance of success with scholarships and bursaries, check out the Kin Blog